I met Neil Gaimen. Oh my gosh how awesome! The writer of the Sandman comic book series, Coraline, Stardust, and Mirrormask, and I met him. How very cool for me. All I had to do was take the train down to the Capital where I would later take a trip by Laus with most awesome friend Tatske to ****** shopping centre’s cinema and...
I’ll spare you the details of how we got into a sold out screening of a certain movie but dudes...I met Neil Gaimen!! I just met him, I mean the chances of actually meeting him let alone getting a picture taken with him were kinda slim that night,
as the JDIFF interviewer pointed out , usually the ‘talent’ introduces the piece/film/etc then leaves but no, not Neil Gaimen, he actually stayed and watched the whole of Coraline then gave a little talk at the end...can you imagine, for the 15 short minutes and for the duration of the talk afterwards that I was in there, I was sharing a room with one of the most talented authors known to manki- okay known to me- but point is, I saw him, he was there.
That’s not all though, afterwards as he, Amanda Palmer, and Neil Jordan (hee-hee name-dropping) were being rushed out of the screen room me and my friend Tatske kinda ran after him and asked for a photo (well actually Tatske asked, I was a bit tongue tied all I managed to say was ‘Neil-, before he looked at me and my mouth just sorta froze) and he said “Alright just a quick one though, I’m really in a hurry,” and there it is, the picture we took.
Yeah I know really blurry an stuff, a bad angle too, and in hindsight I should have jumped in beside him seeing as Tatske was taking the picture, but I think I was just a little bit too starstruck to actually move. I mean Neil Gaimen-in the flesh- he even gave both of us hug! So I might be banned for life from a certain shopping centre’s cinema should they ever check their CCTV, but I met Neil Gaimen! For real!
He is actually quite down to earth for a guy whose living is to make up things.
Not to mention funny, sound...i.e. not a total sleazebag, interesting and quite pleasant really. Lame adjectives to describe a creative genius I know but I kinda screamed out all the words for Ode to Neil Gaimen on the streets of ****** and Sally Grove estate and cant quite remember them now.
I was totally in Awe.
I feel kind of silly now for scoffing at a girl in my history class who said she had received an email from Neil Gaimen, as my encounters with him in the Capital show, meeting with Neil Gaimen does not require the sacrifice of 10 young virgins or anything like that. Only a pair of feet, plenty of spare change, and an in depth knowledge of Neil Gaimens’ whereabouts.
Yours in all nerdiness,
I’ll spare you the details of how we got into a sold out screening of a certain movie but dudes...I met Neil Gaimen!! I just met him, I mean the chances of actually meeting him let alone getting a picture taken with him were kinda slim that night,
as the JDIFF interviewer pointed out , usually the ‘talent’ introduces the piece/film/etc then leaves but no, not Neil Gaimen, he actually stayed and watched the whole of Coraline then gave a little talk at the end...can you imagine, for the 15 short minutes and for the duration of the talk afterwards that I was in there, I was sharing a room with one of the most talented authors known to manki- okay known to me- but point is, I saw him, he was there.
That’s not all though, afterwards as he, Amanda Palmer, and Neil Jordan (hee-hee name-dropping) were being rushed out of the screen room me and my friend Tatske kinda ran after him and asked for a photo (well actually Tatske asked, I was a bit tongue tied all I managed to say was ‘Neil-, before he looked at me and my mouth just sorta froze) and he said “Alright just a quick one though, I’m really in a hurry,” and there it is, the picture we took.
Yeah I know really blurry an stuff, a bad angle too, and in hindsight I should have jumped in beside him seeing as Tatske was taking the picture, but I think I was just a little bit too starstruck to actually move. I mean Neil Gaimen-in the flesh- he even gave both of us hug! So I might be banned for life from a certain shopping centre’s cinema should they ever check their CCTV, but I met Neil Gaimen! For real!
He is actually quite down to earth for a guy whose living is to make up things.
Not to mention funny, sound...i.e. not a total sleazebag, interesting and quite pleasant really. Lame adjectives to describe a creative genius I know but I kinda screamed out all the words for Ode to Neil Gaimen on the streets of ****** and Sally Grove estate and cant quite remember them now.
I was totally in Awe.
I feel kind of silly now for scoffing at a girl in my history class who said she had received an email from Neil Gaimen, as my encounters with him in the Capital show, meeting with Neil Gaimen does not require the sacrifice of 10 young virgins or anything like that. Only a pair of feet, plenty of spare change, and an in depth knowledge of Neil Gaimens’ whereabouts.
Yours in all nerdiness,
Oh my goodness.
I am so, so, SO jealous!!
Needless to say Neil Gaiman is kind of my hero. Which doesn't make me special. But you know what I mean, I'm sure.
hey La Rousse
zactly what by him do you like? r u a Sandman fan. sorry for txt lang. in a urry
Your so freakin lucky!!!!
neil is freakin genius, i wouldn't mind meeting him...(proud sandman fan freak!!xD)
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