It so easy to convince ones self that all is wrong or that all is right or that all is broken hopless unwholesome.
All in all its easy to large bold conclusive statements and expect them to stay up just by the sheer gravitas they bring when said in a conversation but the truth me thinks is a little less conclusive. The truth is. If I knew what followed that is, then you would know I knew nothing.
Us humans are most likely notoriious across galaxies for our obsession with that F-word
How often we use it must seem absurd to any observing outsider. F-this and F-that and so on, an it's a Obscene.
What is will be regardless of what you name it,or how you try to pre-empt it change it ignore it avoid it. Though there are some very clear paths. Some very seemingly ment to be events, things that no matter what ,will somehow find a way to manifest themselves. And if you feel you have a role to play in these things and do not play it, well like a candle that wont light, you get put on the shelf. And the Proceedings go on without you .
I say this yet remeber a very( okay not so) different me once saying "whatever is,generally is whats meant to be -even when it isn't."
I grow tired of those who think themselves practioners of witchcraft. Those who know how to do those things the other pathos-inducing fools claim to , seem to use it for such petty means. Even without so called magic us human beings are strong, we are potential incarnate. ~WE are the number one defining force of this world. yet we are
bound. So Many petty petty restraints. you can blame Satan but only to a certain point. We run away we fly
Hiding is not an option it is the lifestyle
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