Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just a thought...

real Problem is i suppose:
I probably don't have as many problems as i imagine I have.
Problem is what supposedly few problems I have I cant really share with anyone.Which of course means every mountain I face scaleable or not seems impossible and i often don't reach the other side, and make it into the Valley of light and Perfect Hindsight, - no instead i stay on my little ole Plain of Desolation.

What is it about some men that just because 1)you're the one teen who doesn't glare at them when they look or talk to you 2) you dress Flash
They instantly think you must be diggin for it and slip Paddy Power betting reciepts into your hand/pocket in a way that they think is sexy and mysteroius but lly is just creepy.
Benny 0867892531 pranksters welcome...

well thats it for today had more, but the stupid outdated Libary computers ( i mean XP for goodness sake!) cant open .wps files. and thus all my weekend entries will have to be posted Mid-week. Fabulous

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