Subcultures for the most part are a reaction to whatever counts as the "normal" culture which is probably why they're only sub-cultures and not seperate cultures altogether, i mean your average friendly goth is just as much a part of Anglo-American culture as your not-so-friendly Jock and his uber-friendly cheerleader girlfriend.
I'm using stereotypes here because it makes things easier. Anyways if there was no North how would we find South? Would there just be a South and no North? Or perhaps South is just a shadow of North the same way in which life is just a shadow of death, perhaps neither can exist without the other. I certainly think so, I mean how many unipolar magnets do you meet a day?
mind you you meet a lot of unipolar people nowadays and they certainly exist, but then again the faact that they exist means that somewhere out there, something else doesn't. Light and shadow you know, the light begat the darkness and the darkness sustains the light. I mean if there was no darkness how would we ever know it was light? with what would we compare it with, (keeping in mind that Darkness is simply an abscence of light so we couldn't classify the various shades of light without Darkness existing because well without Darkness they wouldn't exist would they... i mean the word Shade itself means:
shade n. Light diminished in intensity as a result of the interception of the rays; partial darkness.
See, Partial Darkness...) Light just wouldn't be light anymore.It would be a monotoned something without name....hmm I'm getting the vague feeling that I've taken this particular metaphor too far.
Now where was I? Nope think thats it.If anyone actually reads this I'd really appreciate your feedback...hell, feel free to blatantly disagree,whatever jus leav a message
Oh yeah mushy stuff:
There's this girl called Sandra* thatI like , She is like the cutest smartest most indie thing.
Seeing as I cant physically open my mouth around her without saying something stuipid, i would like to take this moment to say," Sandra*, you may never read this but...Aww shucks...I admire the hell out of you and I'm awful proud of you for being published and all and being so nice to me and quite honestly I've never had a thing for legs but i love the way you walk and um...I has writ you alittle poem : Sandra* ,from your limp brown hair to
your tennis shoe-d feet
I fancy you cuz you iz
pretty neat
*Not her real name just so you know...
*see above
*Well, you really oughta know this by now, Thats not her real name
her real name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . There, now you know.
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