Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sandra and The end of a really long year part 1

Well, this is it dudes. I've finally left school.

Graduation is tomorrow and although I can't say I'll miss this place (my school), it was an interesting time for me.Nothing like losing your sense of value and identity to really affirm your beliefs. No I won't get into that, not today.Today i want to tell you about Sandra who next to my most awesome friend Tatske, is one of the coolest girls who has ever lived.

The day i met Sandra i wasn't particularly taken with her, she glanced up briefly from her desk when i entered 1st period history, groggy eyed with limp moussy hair and i remember thinking that she looked a little like a goose.

I sat behind her that particular lesson and got to know her I suppose, we chatted easily enough , conversing quietly in German on the back of my history copy.She wrote very well, technically speaking.Her handwriting was slanted and elegant. We talked...or rather wrote about German about favorite authors ( I think hers was Alan Moore at the time.)

We then entered that phase of being amiable but not quite friends , which I ruined quite successfully by well, developing a slight obsession with her...though she probably just thought I was weird...which admittedly I am.

She stayed nice to me albeit from a reasonable distance.

She even invited me to this Artisans Group she goes to. All the people there were amazingly cool. There was Paul Hans- a large friendly and shy German guy, Avofie K.-perhaps mid late middle age, Lance-feminist and poet (but no not a lesbian), Sandra of course, Riley-her close friend and artsy kid in general...uber cool as well,Malachy- who was probably the wiseguy in his school days, and Oisín Ashcroft-who embodies all those things good about older men, sophistication an unhurried nature, and well probably that other thing as well but seeing as I don't know hm that well I won't go into that, anyways an altogether respectable man.

Artisan was cool, sort of like a writers group and occasionally sort of like a impromptu Jazz session. Different people would drop in from time to time and every once in a while we'd have these Gatherings with other Art-related groups. there'd be Music,Poetry reading, and readings of other kinds, and also more experimental stuff . One time someone even brought a ukulele.

more next time

:P those who know say nothing

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