Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Leather for hell-A song

When classifying organisms scientists generally look at, amongst other things, shared characteristics. So what defines a human being?
Small mindedness,
and above all deciet.
So many of our problems stem from denial of our true beings. The crippling thing that is society-that is out loud in living form the idea that shared more and values and traits-yes traits- could some ho better perserve human lives. Ridiculous in that and here I referance Mr Ellis's fine Monkey God speech (naturally steering away from what he actually was saying in order to make it look like he thinks what I instead am saying and trying to force into your brain. Taking art turning it in to propaganda not for any cause but for personal gain, thats very human also.maybe i am). We aren't built for communal living.
Although we are so helpless when we are born once we are wiser and walking along on our own two feet what really ahould be done is we should seperate from society and our parents because the purpose of both has been fufilled. Genetics passed on human beings live on. Instead there is this peversion
that these things this Society somehow manges to keep a hold on perfectly fit young healthy individuals (old?please no such thing). Forever keeping them in bondage to rules? why? hells be a boy if i know.)Power
Im pretty sure it is because long ago somebody ,probably female, realised - hey listen there's more to life than procreation. We dont have to just be biological machines on a 3-point operating plan. We're special. We can do stuff-hell no wait, I can do stuff. I am the pinnicale, I am individual, procreation aside I only need these other schmuks for one thing but to keep them from realising that I got be quick I must be clever I must have: (

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